
E.S.B. The B is for Barney (7.0)

name: Extra Special Barney
% alc: 6.5
type: Extra Special Bitter
vendor: QFC, Seattle
price: $4.99 (22oz Bottle)

first impressions:
Well, I'm back after quite a break. I've been laying off the beer blog while things were hectic, and I needed to take some time to think about balancing my free time. I pretty much thought I would just stop, but a few recent purchases got me back on the wagon, or off it, or whatever's the positive one. These beers were just unique, photogenic bottles and tasty sounding brews that jumped off the shelf at me. So here we are with the Full Sail, Initial Pub Offering: Extra Special Barney...

It's bitter, nicely bittered, no surprise there, and it's an ESB worthy of a gulp from anyone who like them. For me, ESB was my first favorite beer, after my first few favorite beers to have people buy me in high school. Meaning, once I could actually shop for myself that Redhook ESB in 2005 was mighty tasty. I think it has since changed but that's another story for another post. Back to the Barney, it's malty goodness comes from apparently using 5 different malts. I like it but it's somehow distinctly Full Sail in flavor. I tried to come up with some words to describe this but I guess it just takes one to know one. If you've bought the occasional F-sail sixer likely because of it's great price point I'm pretty confident you'll know what I mean. 

You might notice I have a new setting for the beer, I moved since the last entry and now have a nice wood floor for my rustic backdropping needs. As I was cooking dinner, waiting for water to boil I quickly decided to fill my pint and fire off some blog photos. I laid the floor lamp on it's side, poured the beer and snapped some shots. If you're thinking I burned the dinner, surprisingly I didn't, and it turned out great. So here's to a more manageable blog! I'll drink to that (as I finish the last of my ES-Barney).

review (/10): 7.0
recommended setting: The label describes that Barney was sitting on the deck at the brewery overlooking Hood River, and it was one of those perfect beer moments, he hoped his ESB could transport that moment, and that setting, to the drinker. I'd say bring the beer there and feel what Barney felt. 
extraneous ramble (optional):